

  • Heileson JL, Sergi TE, Peoples GE. Phishing in muddy waters: reeling in methodological flaws in n-3 fatty acid research (PMID:) – Clinical Nutrition ESPEN, June 2024
  • Sergi TE, Bode KB, Hildebrand DA, Dawes JJ, Joyce JM. Relationship between body mass index and health and occupational performance among law enforcement officers, firefighters, and military personnel: a systematic review (PMID: 37181120) – Current Developments in Nutrition, December 2022


  • Systematic review of the relationship between body mass index and health and occupational performance among law enforcement officers, firefighters, and military personnel – American Society for Nutrition 2021 Live Online, June 2021
  • Systematic review of the relationship between body mass index and health and occupational performance among law enforcement officers, firefighters, and military personnel – Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Spring Convention, March 2021, First Place
  • Food Police to the Rescue – Oklahoma Association of Family and Consumer Sciences State Conference, March 2020
  • Food Police to the Rescue – Oklahoma State University 3-Minute Thesis, October 2019-November 2019, First Place, Second Place, and University Competitor


  • Sergi TE, Lee G, Carnett JE, Trochez CJ, Hall WC, Williams AS, Heileson JL. Does body composition predict leg tuck performance? – American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, May 2024
  • Lee G, Sergi TE, Heileson JL. The impact of passive dehydration and acute hydration on isometric mid-thigh pull – Maryland Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Meeting, April 2024
  • Sergi T, Chambers E, Chappell J, Dotimas L, Vogt L. The effects of a nutrition education intervention on pre- and post-workout nutrition knowledge in police officers – Oklahoma State University Department of Nutritional Sciences Dietary and Herbal Supplements Poster Session, December 2019

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